To lift the veil

The Zefat theory of the VMS-cosmological section 2 – 1,446 views

In the second paper we present the decoding of the remaining passage of the main circular text on the foldout pages 85r-86v and the acrostic incorporated into this text. We give short explanations about the terms and names found in this apocalyptic poem, a kind of a legend, which is neither complete nor exhaustive. Both, the terminology and the names, have their roots in Judaism or come from the history of Judah and Israel, and can be easily googled for more detailed information. Due to time constraints, we were not able to do a more in-depth research.

Plato is said to have stated: it is not possible that what is written down should not get divulged.

Right… some writings, however, seem not to disclose their secrets directly.

to be continued…